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What are the various distribution modes of distributive peristaltic pumps?

time:2018-11-14 10:01:00from:JIHPUMP read:

Distribution type peristaltic pump: In addition to basic control functions, it also has additional features such as flow display, flow calibration, communication, liquid distribution, back suction, and output control.

What are the different distribution modes of a distribution type peristaltic pump? What are their characteristics?

1. Liquid volume distribution: This mode distributes liquid based on the input parameters of liquid volume and flow rate, while the time is determined by the peristaltic pump through calculation. This method is suitable for situations where time requirements are not strict.

2. Time-based distribution: This mode uses time as the primary distribution parameter, with liquid volume as another input parameter, and the flow rate is determined by the peristaltic pump through calculation. This method is suitable for situations where accurate time requirements are necessary.

3. Replication distribution: This mode replicates the same liquid volume as the standard, repeating the distribution process. It is suitable for general precision repetitive distribution and has a simple operation.

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